Page 13 - Built on Integrity
P. 13

Formation  The 1920s and 1930s


                                                                                                     Austin Edwards with his waler,
                                                                                                     Taffy, fully kitted up, 1915.

            and attendance at a 10‑day camp once a year.   Following his enlistment, Austin was transferred
            Austin served in the 25th Signallers’ Corp from   to the 1st Light Horse Infantry Regiment. Private
            approximately May 1914. At the outbreak of the war   Austin Edwards embarked from Sydney on the
            Austin travelled to Liverpool, south-west of Sydney,   HMAS Marere, Ship Number A21 on the 15
            and enlisted for service abroad in the Signallers’ Corp.  August 1915.
                                                            When Austin arrived in Egypt, he acquired
            War service beckons                          a waler called Taffy. Austin and Taffy became
            Austin had heard the Light Horsemen were looking   “as one”, living and sleeping with each other in
            for signallers so he applied to join the 1st Australian   anticipation of what might lie ahead when the
            Light Horse. His riding test took place at Victoria   rider’s life depended upon his horse.
            Barracks in front of the Riding Master, his future   The Gallipoli Campaign was waged between
            Commanding Officer and two or three other    25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916. As a number
            interested parties. Afterwards he said: “I didn’t   of the 1st Light Horse Infantry were fighting
            perform all that well, but I managed to put my   in the Gallipoli Campaign, Austin and other
            horse over the jumps, which was more than some   members of the First Light Horse Division, were
            of the others.”                              assigned to care for the Division’s horses in Cairo.

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