Page 10 - AWE Capability Statement
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            COLIN DANBY                                          MICHAEL MUSARRA                                                   JUSTIN SMI TH

           Colin Danby                                           Michael Musarra                                                   Justin Smith
           EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                    EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
           Project Director                                      QE / Project Director                                             HR / Project Director
           Colin first joined the industry in 1997 as an apprentice carpenter   Michael joined A W Edwards in1989 and held the position of   Justin joined A W Edwards in 2009 and was appointed as an
           and joiner. He has worked his way up through the commercial   Associate Director from 2011 to 2018. In July, 2018 he was   Executive Director in August 2020.  Justin brings 16 years’
           industry to Project Director, gaining valuable experience in a   appointed as an Executive Director.                    construction industry experience across a diverse range of sectors
           diverse range of projects both here and overseas. In August 2020                                                        involving numerous large-scale projects.
           he was made an Executive Director.                    Michael has extensive experience in the delivery of major
                                                                 health facilities, including projects involving Design & Construct   Justin has specialist experience in the delivery of complex projects
           Colin has strong credentials in strategy, operational excellence   responsibility and projects involving Early Contractor Involvement   where the predominant component is technology and engineering
           and large-scale project delivery. He has had key roles leading a   and extensive value engineering processes.           services related. His current role is Project Director for several large
           broad range of projects for public and private sector clients.                                                          scale Data Centres in Sydney.
                                                                 As company Quality and Environment Director,  Michael oversees
           Specialised in large scale projects, Colin has an excellent track   the company’s corporate QE management systems and policies.
           record in the delivery of challenging design and construct and live   He drives the continuous improvement in the areas of Quality   As company HR Director, Justin develops and implements policies
                                                                                                                                   and programs including recruitment, employer engagement, training
           environment works. His current role is Project Director on the   and Environment by setting goals and identifying key performance   and talent development.
           Crows Nest Station for Sydney Metro City & Southwest  indicators in this area of the business.

               15+ YEARS WI TH AWE                                  32+ YEARS WI TH AWE                                               12+ YEARS WI TH AWE
           RICHARD PIPER                                         KENNY SMI TH

                                                                                                                                EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE

                                                                                                                                                                        Greg D’Arcy
                                                                                                                                                                 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

          Richard Piper                                           Kenny Smith
          EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                      EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                                                       Georgia Coulston        Kenny Smith       Justin Smith
          Estimating Manager                                      Group WHS & WR Director                                                                    EXECUTIVE            EXECUTIVE         EXECUTIVE
          Richard joined A W Edwards in 2014 and was appointed as   Kenny is responsible for the successful implementation of AWE’s                          Chief Financial     Group WHS & WR   HR / Project Director
          an Executive Director in 2019. With over 24 years industry   corporate WHS management systems and is responsible for the
          experience and he has been involved in the cost planning of   development of a risk-based, values-driven approach to WHS
          projects ranging from $5m to $375m.                     management, leading and establishing the necessary conditions to
                                                                  drive safe and sustainable practices, culture and mindset.               Adelina Dal Pra   Michael Musarra       Colin Danby      Richard Piper
          Richard has exceptional leadership and management                                                                                EXECUTIVE         EXECUTIVE            EXECUTIVE         EXECUTIVE
          experience, leading our team of Estimators whilst developing   His role also includes leading and supporting the company’s        DIRECTOR         DIRECTOR              DIRECTOR         DIRECTOR
          and implementing estimating tools and business practices that   enterprise bargaining and organisational consultation processes for   General Counsel  QE / Project Director  Project Director  Estimating Manager
                                                                                                                                            Legal Director
          standardises estimating services across our organisation.  Workplace Relations.
          Richard is an innovative professional with a proactive, hands on   Kenny has significant health and safety management experience in
          approach. He is committed to finding effective design solutions to   the Construction Industry and is a member of the Construction                  John Devlin         Allan Walker         Kimbal Dunham
          benefit our projects whilst adding value for our clients.  Safety Alliance (CSA) working partly for OHS&R.                                     Business Development    Pre Construction    Regional Manager -
                                                                                                                                                              Manager               Manager           Mid North Coast
             7+ YEARS WI TH AWE                                       15+ YEARS WI TH AWE
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