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We Care About
At A W Edwards, we consider our personnel and their
individual experience to be our most valuable asset.
Currently we have 320 people in the organisation
which includes 33 people who have served over 25
years. No other construction company has the depth
of experienced staff that we do. Our high retention
of staff allows personnel with specific, highly relevant Caring for the safety & Creating enduring Fostering
experience to be allocated to your project. well being of all partnerships innovation
our people
A W Edwards does not specialise in any one sector of
the market, we deliver projects in all sector categories.
This point of difference is that our people have
extensive tacit knowledge and are widely experienced
to deal with all types of construction issues that arise –
A W Edwards has a “knowledge bank” second to none.
We have an in-house technical resources team of We invest in our people so they can excel in Sustainability Creating value for Delivering
Architects, Structural, Mechanical & Electrical creating exceptional results for our clients our Clients quality projects
Engineers and BIM Managers that provide a robust
peer review to ensure the design document provides
value for money solutions for the Clients requirements. WORK HEALTH & SAFETY - SAFETY THROUGH
In addition, we have experienced Services & LEADERSHIP
Commissioning Managers & Coordinators to ensure
that service installation is problem free and the
commissioning process is fully COMMITTED TO
compliant. 0 ZERO HIGH
As part of the global Bouygues network, A W POTENTIAL
Edwards is empowered with the additional resources, ACCIDENTS
international procurement reach, financial strength and
technical capacity of Bouygues Construction who are
considered as one of the world’s largest construction Safety leadership is A W Edwards’ top priority. We are
contractors. Additionally we can draw on the resources A W Edwards is a subsidiary committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of
and expertise of our associate companies within the our employees, contractors and any other people who
Bouygues Group. company of Bouygues Batiment may be affected by our activities.
A W Edwards has the added inherent strength of our We strive to continually improve as a company through
divisions which include Edwards Plumbing and Rintoul. training and education providing a framework for Our people are engaged in Health &
Rintoul has been operating since 1962 and has a continuous improvement and progressively higher Safety matters, feeling empowered to
proven reputation for producing quality joinery and standards of work health and safety for all our people.
fitouts across a diverse range of market sectors. Zero High Potential Accidents is our safety objective intervene and contribute their views
for all projects. We believe that this target can only be transparently at all levels, because they
achieved if we empower every person on each project, are listened to, respected and involved
A W Edwards has its own plant yard located at Seven
Hills, plant available for our projects includes scaffold, from the Project Director through to the Labourers to
site accommodation, storage and amenities, lifting take a constructive role in promoting improvements
equipment, site electrical equipment and reticulation in work health and safety practices and to be Safety
systems for temporary power and lighting and many Leaders.
other plant items used regularly in our operations.
In order to achieve this, we must all have a clear vision
as to what an injury free culture must look like, and have
clear safety goals that we all want to achieve, so we can
transfer a clear target to everyone around us.