Page 7 - Built on Integrity
P. 7

Table of contents


                                                          4    Introduction

                                            Part One:      8   1920s & 1930s From Cundletown around the world to Eastwood
                                           Formation     20    1940s Restrictions and opportunities
                                       1920s to 1950s     26   1950s A W Edwards’ reputation grows

                                            Part Two:      38   1960s Steady growth and a changing of the guard
                                        Consolidation      50   1970s Challenging times
                                       1960s to 1980s     58   1980s Expansion and high-profile projects

                                          Part Three:       74   1990s Delivering through reform and recession
                                           Expansion      84     2000s A new era and larger projects
                                     1990s to present    104    2010 Onwards Consistent performance in a tough environment

                                                        123    Afterword

                                                        124    Long-standing employees
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