October, 2024
In 2023, A W Edwards launched a Community Grant Program aimed at supporting and delivering positive, lasting outcomes for communities in close proximity to the Crows Nest station works.
With station and precinct works continuing throughout 2024, A W Edwards is committed to sustaining these positive impacts by extending the Community Grant Program for an additional year, ensuring continued support for the local Crows Nest community.
The program offers grants of up to $10,000 to support the delivery of community-initiated projects, events or activities, that can demonstrate direct benefits to the local environment, enhance community amenities and services, or contribute to sustainable outcomes.
Application dates
Applications open 9am Friday 8 November 2024 and close 5pm Friday 6 December 2024
Please note: applications submitted after 5pm Friday 6 December will not be assessed.
Application process
A link to the Application Form will be available from 9am Friday 8 November 2024. In the interim:
Click here to find out more information
Click here for application support
Terms and Conditions
Approval process
All decisions are at the discretion of A W Edwards. Applicants would be subject to our mandatory corporate compliance checks and signing a sponsorship agreement. Funding decisions will be final, and no negotiations will be entered into with applicants.
Completion of funded projects, activities, or events
Successful applicants will be required to notify AW Edwards of acquittal of funds as per the confirmation letter (provision of invoices) and complete the relevant project, activity, or event within three months of receipt of funding. Should the project, event or activities not proceed, organisations will be required to advise A W Edwards and negotiate re-paying funds.
Upon completion of the project/activity/event, the successful applicant will need to provide a quote/statement, around the outcome and story behind the project/activity/event. This may include a description of the activity, participants, benefits realised, photos and some testimonials.
Acknowledgement of A W Edwards, publicity, and promotion
Sponsorship recipients will be expected to promote, advertise or at least publicly acknowledge the support of A W Edwards regarding the funded activity. These promotional and advertisement activities will be subject to the prior written consent of A W Edwards.
Recipients may choose to publicly acknowledge A W Edwards’s support through newsletters, media releases, social media, signage etc. with the word “We acknowledge the support of A W Edwards for this event/project/activity”. Costs associated with this acknowledgment may be included in the funding request.
Recipients will also be asked to provide photographs where possible, including all necessary permissions, in writing.
Applicants must fulfill eligibility requirements detailed within the fact sheet.